Suite à notre conférence du 2 Avril
« Repenser la Microfinance : les leçons de la crise des risques de crédit"
j’émets l’idée que, les crises ayant démontré l’avantage en matière de coût du risque d’une politique orientée clients,
la microfinance est en train d’avancer sur une voie concrète réconciliant ses deux objectifs.
Pas totalement nouveau sans doute, mais bien encourageant !
Further to our conference on April 2
"Rethinking Microfinance: Lessons from the crisis of credit risk
I emit the idea that the crisis having demonstrated the advantages for cost risk of a customer-oriented policy,
Microfinance is moving forward on a specific path reconciling its two goals.
"Rethinking Microfinance: Lessons from the crisis of credit risk
I emit the idea that the crisis having demonstrated the advantages for cost risk of a customer-oriented policy,
Microfinance is moving forward on a specific path reconciling its two goals.
Probably not entirely new, but rather encouraging!
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